Visual Flight Rules Guide
(556 pages)
(556 pages)
(1 page)
(1 page)
Quick Menu
(1 page)
(1 page)
Table of Contents
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
About this guide
(1 page)
(1 page)
What is included in this guide?
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Chapter 1: Know Your Rules and Responsibilities
(74 pages)
(74 pages)
Chapter 2: Planning Your Flight
(126 pages)
(126 pages)
Chapter 3: Flying Your Aircraft
(128 pages)
(128 pages)
Chapter 4: Flying Your Helicopter
(20 pages)
(20 pages)
Chapter 5: Radio Communication Procedures
(74 pages)
(74 pages)
Chapter 6: Decision-Making and Hazards
(14 pages)
(14 pages)
Chapter 7: Dealing With Emergency Situations
(34 pages)
(34 pages)
Appendix: Abbreviations and Acronyms, Definitions
(43 pages)
(43 pages)
Appendix: Are you safe to fly?
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Aircraft Specifications
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Forced Landing initial action
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Forced Landing procedure
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Night VFR checklist
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Appendix: Light signals
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Signals for the control of aerodrome traffic
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Windsock interpretation
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix: Conversions
(3 pages)
(3 pages)
Appendix: Index
(17 pages)
(17 pages)
CASR Part 61 Aeroplane Category Flight Crew Licensing Plain English Guide
(258 pages)
(258 pages)
(1 page)
(1 page)
Quick Guide
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Who is this Guide for?
(1 page)
(1 page)
How to use this Guide?
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Table of Contents
(7 pages)
(7 pages)
Chapter 1: Understanding the Purposes, Functions and Key Concepts of Licensing
(28 pages)
(28 pages)
Chapter 2: General Requirements for Gaining a Pilot Licence, Rating or Endorsement
(30 pages)
(30 pages)
Chapter 3: Student Pilots
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Chapter 4: Pilot Licences and Required Ratings and Endorsements
(30 pages)
(30 pages)
Chapter 5: Aircraft Category, Class and Type Ratings
(12 pages)
(12 pages)
Chapter 6: Design Feature Endorsements
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Chapter 7: Low-Level Rating and Associated Endorsements
(8 pages)
(8 pages)
Chapter 8: Aerial Application Rating and Associated Endorsements
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Chapter 9: Flight Activity Endorsements
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Chapter 10: Instrument Ratings
(14 pages)
(14 pages)
Chapter 11: Pilot Instructor Ratings
(22 pages)
(22 pages)
Chapter 12: Flight Examiner Rating and Associated Endorsements
(14 pages)
(14 pages)
Chapter 13: Transitioning a Part 5 of CAR Licence
(8 pages)
(8 pages)
Chapter 14: Converting a Helicopter Category Licence to an Aeroplane Category Licence
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Chapter 15: Recognition of Pilot Certificates Granted by Sport Aviation Bodies
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Chapter 16: Recognition of Overseas Authorisations, Licences and Proficiency Checks
(10 pages)
(10 pages)
Chapter 17: Bilateral Agreements
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Chapter 18: Recognition of Australian Defence Force Qualifications
(8 pages)
(8 pages)
Appendix A: Acronyms and abbreviations
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix B: Definitions
(15 pages)
(15 pages)
Appendix C: Prescribed aircraft and type ratings
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix D: Part 61 Manual of standards references
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Appendix E: Part 61 Exemptions included in this guide
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix F: CASA EX32/24 Flight Crew Licensing and Other Matters (Miscellaneous Exemptions) Instrument 2024 Part 8 – Multi-crew cooperation training
(1 page)
(1 page)
Appendix G: Forms
(1 page)
(1 page)
CASR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules Plain English Guide
(248 pages)
(248 pages)
(1 page)
(1 page)
About this guide
(1 page)
(1 page)
How to use this guide
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Table of Contents
(11 pages)
(11 pages)
Preliminary Rules
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
General Rules
(22 pages)
(22 pages)
Operational Rules
(80 pages)
(80 pages)
Administrative Rules
(16 pages)
(16 pages)
Appendix A: MOS Chapter 26 − Equipment
(35 pages)
(35 pages)
Appendix B: Night Vision Imaging Systems flights
(7 pages)
(7 pages)
Appendix C: Air displays, practice flights for air displays and aerobatic activities in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes - exemptions and directions
(10 pages)
(10 pages)
Appendix D: Observers who may be on certain flight tests and proficiency check flights (EX81/21 Part 4)
(3 pages)
(3 pages)
Appendix E: Abbreviations and acronyms
(3 pages)
(3 pages)
Appendix F: Definitions
(25 pages)
(25 pages)
Appendix G: Regulations - page references
(8 pages)
(8 pages)
(14 pages)
(14 pages)
CAO 48.1 Fatigue Management Plain English Guide
(88 pages)
(88 pages)
(1 page)
(1 page)
About this guide
(1 page)
(1 page)
How to use this guide
(1 page)
(1 page)
Table of Contents
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
(10 pages)
(10 pages)
(3 pages)
(3 pages)
Appendix 1: Basic Limits
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Appendix 2: Multi-Pilot Operations Except Flight Training
(8 pages)
(8 pages)
Appendix 3: Multi-Pilot Operations Except Complex Operations and Flight Training
(7 pages)
(7 pages)
Appendix 4: Any Operation
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Appendix 4A: Balloons
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Appendix 4B: Medical Transport and Emergency Service Operations
(5 pages)
(5 pages)
Appendix 5: Aerial Work Operations and Flight Training Associated with Aerial Work
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Appendix 5A: Daylight Aerial Work Operations and Flight Training Associated with Aerial Work
(3 pages)
(3 pages)
Appendix 6: Flight Training
(3 pages)
(3 pages)
Appendix 7: FRMS (Fatigue Risk Management System)
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Flight/duty and other time limitations
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
(16 pages)
(16 pages)
CASR Part 101 Micro and Excluded RPA Operations Plain English Guide
(48 pages)
(48 pages)
(1 page)
(1 page)
(1 page)
(1 page)
Table of Contents
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Chapter 1: Introduction
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Chapter 2: Before the First Flight
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Chapter 3: Before Every Flight
(12 pages)
(12 pages)
Chapter 4: During Every Flight
(8 pages)
(8 pages)
Chapter 5: Enforcement Provisions
(2 pages)
(2 pages)
Chapter 6: Other Relevant Considerations
(4 pages)
(4 pages)
Appendices and References
(6 pages)
(6 pages)
Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region